Looking for independance

These lasts months, every time I check the news from my country there is one topic that always, no matter what, comes to light: Catalonya conflict. I was thinking about writing something, explining it with videos of cat fighing (I would call it Cat-alonya) (sounds awesome, I know it). However, while I was gettin information. I realised I was paying more attention in media’s independance than in Catalonya’s.
It’s completely impossible to find objective information, to really find a source that gives reliable facts about what’s going on. What every journal offers, even the most “respectful” of famous one, is information completely conditioned by the power. Basically, they take their part in the conflict, they glorify it and they demonize the opposite, as if they were enemies.
For me, the part that they are playing is crucial in the developement of the conflict itself. Media work as society teachers. And in this case, its too obvious that they are not moving base on the interest of population, but the interest of power. They distort the information based on the interest of other the ones that rule the conflict, throwing shadows instead of light. They are not “educating” the people, but intensifying the hate between eachother supporting crazy non logical opinions with their subjective news.
You just have to check Twitter. It’s a huge battelfield, full of people saying stupid things that actually were born from the journals or TV. Inside all this disaster, jounalist are also paying a high price. Most of them have their own ethic, but they are suppressed to self-censorship in orther to keep their work. It’s just sad. And annoying at the same time. That’s the main reason why I can’t hear or talk about this topic. Not even with cats. It’s just already too messy.