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It really makes me angry when people take talent for granted. Sadly, Facebook and other social networks reminds me every day that women have been specially exposed to that sh** during all history. So I decided to make a Top 3 about amazing and talented woman that you would probably have never heard about because FOR SOME REASON have been ignored by the rest of the world.

(WARNING: this list is 100% subjective)

1. Big Mama Thornton (Alabama, 1926 – 1984) – Blues musician

“Fat, black, lesbian and rude” those were the first words I read about Willie Mae a.k.a. Big Mama Thorton and, obviously, I had to investigate. She lived the blues glory days before rock, and the revival of the 1960’s and 70’s. She learnt to play several instruments by herself and she managed to open her own way in a world dominated by men, roaring with her broken voice.

You probably still don’t know who I’m talking about. Well, BESIDES this, she also wrote two songs that made history: Hound Dog and Ball & Chain. The sad story? Those songs became extremely famous but not because of her, but because of two singers that made their own versión: Elvis Presley and Janis Joplin. Basically, the world listened to those versions but her name was completely ignored and she never received the recognition she deserved. She died in LA in 1984, alone and broke. In the same year, she became the fourth distinguished woman to be in the Blues Hall of Fame. A recognition that came too late for an awesome and forgotten musician.

2. Susan Kare – graphic designer

Emojis. Those small figures that make our life so easy… We have a lot to thank for this to Susan Kare, a graphic designer and pioneering of pixel art. She has spend most of her career trying to create a language and iconography to get computers closer to people.

I’m sure that all of you have watched Steve Job’s Stanford University speech, where he points out the importance fo typography and design in the creation of Apple. Well, then you will see why she was essential in the construction of the company, since she designed MAC Os’ icons and built the universal intuitive visual lexic that made the company’s success possible. Also, for those typography lovers, she was the one that designed many famous fonts with cities names: Chicago, Geneva, San Francisco, Monaco, New York…

Although she has worked with the most important electronic companies (Apple, Microsoft, Linux, IBM…) and she has created EPIC tools such as the notes block or the game of solitaire, she is still being unknown for the “big public”

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Delia Derbyshire (Coventry, 1937 - 2001) - DJ

Here comes the story of a true revolutionary, cheerful and talented digital music composer and lover of sound art. Ann Delia Derbyshire was a britain DJ that played a crucial role in the popularization of electronic music and sound experimentation in England and the world.

She studied math and music, and when she tried to apply for a job in Decca Reccords in 1959, she was rejected because of being a woman. She got a job at BBC Radiophonic Workshop where she learnt about new ways of sound creation and encouraged her to look for new experimental sounds.

After creating amazing pieces of music, she got a lifechanging job in 1963. She composed the opening song for Doctor Who, and she made history making the first electronic song created for a TV show.

Despite her awesome career, not many people remember this awesome musician.

This are just some examples of women that FOR SOME REASON are unknown by most of us although they DON’T DESERVE IT (thanks world). If this post worked and you are curious now, I encourage you to google ‘Herstory’ and discover some other (a lot actually) names that should be remembered!

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