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Bad eating habits

Unawarness of what is surrounding us is one of the immoral acts of human kind that I hate the most. Everyday we are causing a huge harm to our own planet, and a large part of us decides to ignore it.

But ignoring the way we are slowly, day by day, destructing this ball of mud that is our home is not going to save us from the consequences.

Also nature is the only precious thing we have in our insignificant existences, and the only thing we should take care of during our time in here. Our only duty. This place was not designed to mutate at our own pleasure, so we could live a life full of unnecessary comforts.

Beside all air pollutions, deforestations and many more, humans are destroying our planet little by little everyday by consuming too much water.

Water is source of life, and establishes the connection that links all the living creatures on this planet. Also if renewable, the surface and underground fresh water is a limited and vulnerable resource that can become barely available.

So here I'll try to convince you why eating meat, and actually any animal product, is not just completely unnecessary, but even worst, bad for you and the planet. Things you are part of everyday maybe without even knowing.

The main reason of water waste is not your long shower, not even your sink dropping, it's in your delicious food.

Let's start saying that is most common for any avarage person to eat 3496 litres of water everyday. So basically in one week you are consuming 24472 liters of water. This is a 4.3 x 8.6 pool capacity.

Is the nutrition you get worth it?

And where does all this water we consume exactly comes from?

Meat industry mostly. That delicious bacon in your plate at breakfast. Oh, and coffee industry too actually.

By now, you've probably heard that eating meat is bad for you. The World Health Organization made headlines last year when it declared processed meat as carcinogen. But it's not just processed meat that poses a health risk; science has known for a while that eating all kinds of animals including "white meat" is bad for you.

So it's bad for you, and the planet.

In an industrial beef production system it takes on average three years before the animal is slaughtered to produce about 200 kilos of boneless beef.

In total, we need 3091000 litres of water for producing 200 kilos of boneless beef. This means that to produce 1 kilogram of boneless beef we need 15400 litres of water. And the amount of water required to produce one litre of milk is estimate a staggering 1,020 litres. Eggs take a notable 3,000 litres per kilogram. By comparison, vegetables require just 322 litres.

The average daily water consumption of a meat-eating person is 5000 litres of water per day.

Many people grow up thinking that animal products like meat and milk are essential parts of a healthy diet. But is worth a small research to discover not only the ways that meat is bad for you, but also milk and eggs. Eggs cannot legally be called "healthy" anymore in advertisements; the requirement that a food have saturated fat levels of 1g or less per 100g, less than 10% calories from saturated fat and that 90mg or less of cholesterol per serving, which even half an egg fails. And it's pretty obvious to say that we are the only animals on the planet who take another animals milk and drink it for consumption. The biochemical make-up of cow’s milk is perfectly suited to turn a 65-pound newborn calf into a 400-pound cow in one year. It contains, for example, three times more protein and seven times more mineral content while human milk has 10 times as much essential fatty acids, three times as much selenium, and half the calcium. Some may like cow’s milk but drinking it is both unnecessary and potentially harmful. Under current industrial methods, cow’s milk is often a toxic bovine brew of man-made ingredients like bio-engineered hormones, antibiotics (55% of U.S. antibiotics are fed to livestock), and pesticides—all of which are bad for us and the environment.

Instead well-planned vegan diets follow healthy eating guidelines, and contain all the nutrients that our bodies need. Both the British Dietetic Association and the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recognise that they are suitable for every age and stage of life.

Going vegan is a great opportunity to learn more about nutrition and cooking, and improve your diet. You won't be consuming saturated fat from meat, milk and eggs, and you'll be avoiding processed meat, which is classified as a cause of cancer.

You can eat a totally plant-based diet that supports excellent health, while helping animals and protecting the planet. Consuming drastically less water a day in your meals.

It's worth knowing exactly what the health and enviromental risks of eating meat are, so that you can make an informed decision for yourself about how much of a risk you feel it's necessary to take by continuing to consume animals.

Stop making me angry.

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